Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh, about those WMD...

"What has been announced is accurate, that there have been hundreds of canisters or weapons of various types found that either currently have sarin in them or had sarin in them, and sarin is dangerous. And it’s dangerous to our forces, and it’s a concern. So obviously, to the extent we can locate these and destroy them, it is important that we do so. And they are dangerous. Anyone — I’m sure General Casey or anyone else in that country would be concerned if they got in the wrong hands. They are weapons of mass destruction . They are harmful to human beings. And they have been found. And that had not been by Saddam Hussein, as he inaccurately alleged that he had reported all of his weapons. And they are still being found and discovered."

Donald Rumsefeld's words, L + G.

Strange how the British media haven't reported this at all...

You know, there's a blindness in the anti-warriors' complaining. They say the neo-cons should apologize for the war. Well, neo-cons have certainly repeatedly admitted to the mistakes that have been made. In fact, to be a neo-con is to be someone willing to admit you made a mistake, since their origins lie in Trotskyites who realised the moral horror of communism and had the courage to switch sides, unlike most Western intellectuals. By contrast, the not-in-my-namers are ignoring the evidence that they were wrong because their position is all about emotional indulgence, not reasoned strategic choices. So grow up, girls and boys of the press. Turn the camera on yourselves, and say "sorry, we were wrong". At least have the courage to print the truth instead of ignoring it.

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