Sunday, September 17, 2006

After the summer: truth hurts

While I have been off munching greener grass than normal, it seems the world is going to hell in a pair of fetching wicker panniers. Benedict XVI says Islam has a problem with its lack of interest in reason and its acceptance of violence as a legitimate means to its ends, then to prove him wrong (like the man said, trouble with reason as well) the Muslim world explodes into violence.

Ho-hum. No answer to that. But clearly no dialogue is possible with people - or a religion - that can't take criticism or use right reason. But bravo to Lord Carey, for a comment which has been buried in the excitement of the press at finding anti-Catholicism a useful get-out from having to condemn the Religion-o-Peace(TM). He's stood up on this one before. Would be nice to see some courage from the Anglicans who are actually in office, but there you go. Nothing like the threat of violence to close down debate.

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